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Smokin Grits “Grit” $35,000 Registration
2-time Big Sky Head horse of the year in the Big Sky Region. 3-time CNFR head horse competitor. By NFR sire Smoke N Sparks out of a mare that goes to Truckle Feature & 2x Three Bars x Leo cross. Consistent 1D barrel racing winner. Rodeo Ready. Big strong not for a beginner, he is a lot of horse. Click on his picture for a larger view. Click here to see Grit running a 17.2 on a standard pattern at CSR.

SD Dashed Chex “BB” SOLD Registration
BB's sire is by NFR sire Smoke N Sparks SI 94 out of speed bred TB mare that ran out over $ 100,000 and produced 3 stakes winners. His dam is Little Peppy-Doc Bar-Fritz Command bred. Third dam Robyn's Light had SI 104. He is a great ranch horse and has been ridden outside a bunch. He has placed at Ranch Rodeos in Arizona. Has been packed on. Jackpot ready as a heel horse. Started on barrel racing this winter and is a solid 2D with a lot more potential. Kind, Quiet, Broke, Fast. Ranch roped with Joe Walters. Click on his photo for a larger view.

JCPH Boldly Go “Baxter” SOLD Registration
Baxter's sire by First Down Dash SI 94. Dam was 2nd in Grade 2 stakes race. His full sister is SI 100 futurity winner. Legitimate speed from solid speed family. Ridden all of summer 2013 working cattle in the mountains of western Montana. Well patterned. Click on his photo for a larger view.

Rare Call At The Bar “Bently” SOLD Registration
Bently reminds me of his half-brother the great horse Hess ( Hesa Rare Runner). He is by Rare Bar SI 114 out of a Call Me Together a super well-bred mare. He is smooth long strider with a tremendous mind! He acts a lot like Famous Amos did when he was young, easy going and nothing bothers him and will not give you the speed until you ask. Out in the field he is the fastest in the pen! Big Time Player! Click on his photo for a larger view.

Rose Chips “Rose” SOLD Registration
Rose is 4-time Driftwood on top out of Paddys Irish Whiskey. Hard to find a better horse bred to be a rope horse. Strong, powerful, fast and ultimate breeding to be a rope horse. Was with a working cow horse trainer for five months. She is a f inished breakawy and heel horse and ready to go out and win. Click on her photo for a larger view.

Me Llamo Pedro “Pedro” $20,000 Registration
Pedro is by a futurity earning son of Dash for Perks and out of mare by NFR sire Doc O Dynamite that is a full sister to Bees Minni Bomb ( Bomber) futurity earner of 8,000 and pro rodeo horse. Excellent conformation and is being patterned and seasoned. Click on his photo for a larger view.

Johns Mischief Maker “Little Red” $8,000 Registration
Little Red has Freckles Playboy, Doc Bar/Dry Doc breeding. This horse was my son's practice dogging horse. Ty is in the pro circuit now. Little Red has been started on the poles and barrels. He is very quick footed and fast! Should be a lot of fun to season and go to the pay window on! Click on his photo for a larger view.

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